Logistics recruitment services

Servizzi Oħra 64 fehmiet ID: 22

Ippubblikat fuq 2024/03/13


Yes HBS Consultancy is recruiting a skilled workforce for the logistics industry. HBS Consultancy is a logistics recruitment agency that recruits for the posts like Logistics contractor, Logistics Manager, Warehouse Manager, Shipping Manager, Supply chain analyst, Inventory Manager, Load Planner, Purchasing and procurement manager, Production supervisor, Process Engineer, Forklift Operator, Unloaders, Material handler, lumper, etc. logistics Industry HBS Consultancy recruits qualified and efficient manpower from different locations like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, SWe have been in this profession for the last 16 years and we properly understand the need for manpower in the ri Lanka, Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda...


Romania, Bucharest
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Mark Smith
Mark Smith
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